
"2024 IAETP Training Conference Agenda"

Thursday Nov 21, 2024 Workshops

Workshop Track 1

09:00AM - 05:00PM

Plaza A

Thursday Workshop $450


PDH Credits : 7

Seats Available: 10

3D Modeling IDOT-Specific Bridge

This workshop is meant to lead a participant in the creation of an IDOT-specific 3D bridge model. The
structure to be modeled is a relatively simple one, in that it is a 3-span, wide flange bridge, supported
by integral abutments and pile bent/solid wall piers. The model creation will make use of basic
OpenBridge Modeler tools, Generative Components, and MicroStation 3D modeling tools


Participants should be familiar with OpenBridge Modeler’s intended
workflow. This can be achieved by working through any of Bentley’s
training examples either through the Bentley LEARN site or through
YouTube. Participants should also be at least familiar with the 3D
modeling tools of MicroStation


Workshop Track 2

09:00AM - 01:50PM

Plaza B

Thursday Workshop $200


PDH Credits : 4

Seats Available: 19

Intersection Design Part 1 – Horizontal and Vertical Geometry

This course teaches tools and techniques that can be used to lay out a complex intersection. It will focus on the Horizontal and Vertical Geometry tools to create 2D and 3D geometric elements. In this course, you will be designing a complex intersection that includes turn lanes, median islands and turn lane islands. 2D horizontal geometry will be created using the Horizontal Geometry tools and Profiles and 3D elements will be created using the Vertical Geometry tools. The objective is to create a terrain model of the proposed pavement surface and analyze the proposed drainage contours.


Workshop Track 2

02:00PM - 05:00PM

Plaza B

Thursday Workshop $150


PDH Credits : 3

Seats Available: 21

Intersection Design Part 2 – 3D Model Detailing

This course teaches tools and techniques that can be used to accurately model a complex intersection in 3D. In this course, you will learn how to:
Use Linear Templates to create the curb, sidewalk and side slope grading along the edges of pavement and islands. Use Surface Templates to apply material thickness to the pavement surface and median islands. Create a Finished Grade Terrain Model using Graphical Filters. Export Finished Grade Terrain Model to LandXML format


Workshop Track 3

09:00AM - 10:50AM

Plaza C

Thursday Workshop $100


PDH Credits : 2

Seats Available: 26

“Editing and Managing Geometry *New* “

There are many tools to edit civil geometry in OpenRoads Designer and understanding how to use them is critical to maintain the rules and relationships between geometric elements. In this workshop, we will take a look at various tools and techniques for editing civil geometry


Workshop Track 3

11:00AM - 01:50PM

Plaza C

Thursday Workshop $100


PDH Credits : 2

Seats Available: 23

Road Regression and Re-Design *New*

The Project that we are going to undertake in this course is to create a Geometric Horizontal Alignment that follows, as closely as possible, the existing Surveyed centerline of a road using the regression tools available in OpenRoads Designer. A vertical alignment will be generated that follows the existing road profile, using the Best Fit Profile tool. We will then create a corridor and apply an Overlay and Stripping template to create the whole road cross section. Following on from that we will apply a designed superelevation that matches as best we can the existing cross fall on the existing road.We will also try to minimize the amount of Overlay and Stripping required and finally produce quantities


Workshop Track 3

02:00PM - 05:00PM

Plaza C

Thursday Workshop $150


PDH Credits : 3

Seats Available: 28

Introduction to Drainage Layout and Hydraulics

This course was previously called Inlet and Pipe Layout – Analysis and Design. In this course we cover creating and designing a highway drainage system consisting of Inlets, Manholes, Outlets, Pipes, and Drainage Areas. Topics covered include placing drainage structures, placing drainage areas, placing drainage pipes and computing flows through the system. We will also cover creating profiles of the system


Thursday Nov 21, 2024 Lectures

Workshop Track 4

09:00AM - 09:50AM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Annotating Title Blocks and the Sheet Index

Learn how to annotate title block information for both ProjectWise and non-ProjectWise workflows from the Sheet Index. You will further learn to use the Sheet Index to control sheet numbers, organize sheet sets, the order of sheets, sheet properties, and how to publish project deliverables.


Workshop Track 4

10:00AM - 10:50AM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Annotating Drainage Profiles

If you ever wondered how to create drainage pipe profiles and annotate drainage structures? Then this session is for you. This presentation will discuss: creating pipe profiles using the Drainage and Utilities tools, creating Named Boundaries that will be used to place those pipe profiles on sheets and how to add individual annotations to label specific location coordinates, station, elevations, and more.


Workshop Track 4

02:00PM - 02:50PM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Cross Section Annotation

Learn more about cross section annotation automation and setup.


Workshop Track 4

11:00AM - 11:50AM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Creating Drainage Reports

In this course, you will learn how to create reports using FlexTables. You will learn how to customize the FlexTables to show the desired data fields and formatting for the reports. FlexTables show data for one type of element – a catch basin or a manhole for example. You will learn how to combine the content of multiple FlexTables into a single Excel spreadsheet


Workshop Track 4

01:00PM - 01:50PM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Creating Staged Cross Sections

Discussion of need for staged cross sections, best practices and methods to achieve desired results.


Workshop Track 4

03:10PM - 04:00PM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Roundabout Modeling Part 1

Modeling a roundabout using civil cells to create the circulatory area and the approaches independently.


Workshop Track 4

04:10PM - 05:00PM

Plaza G

Thursday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Roundabout Modeling Part 2

Modeling a roundabout using civil cells to create the circulatory area and the approaches independently.


Friday Nov 22, 2024 Workshops

Workshop Track 1

09:00AM - 05:00PM

Plaza A

Friday Workshop $450


PDH Credits : 7

Seats Available: 11

3D Modeling IDOT-Specific Bridge

“This workshop is meant to lead a participant in the creation of an IDOT-specific 3D bridge model.
The structure to be modeled is a relatively simple one, in that it is a 3-span, wide flange bridge, supported by integral abutments and pile bent/solid wall piers. The model creation will make use of basic OpenBridge Modeler tools, Generative Components, and MicroStation 3D modeling tools.”


Participants should be familiar with OpenBridge Modeler’s intended workflow.  This can be achieved by working through any of Bentley’s training examples either through the Bentley LEARN site or through YouTube.  Participants should also be at least familiar with the 3D modeling tools of MicroStation


Workshop Track 2

09:00AM - 11:50AM

Plaza B

Friday Workshop $150


PDH Credits : 3

Seats Available: 27

“Introduction to Creating Civil Cells Part 1 (2D & 3D Geometry)”

“This course teaches the tools and techniques that can be used to create a civil cell. You will learn how to create a civil cell for a T-Intersection
using horizontal and vertical geometry. This course will only focus on the horizontal and vertical civil geometry tools to create 2D and 3D
geometric elements to create a Civil Cell.”


Workshop Track 2

01:00PM - 05:00PM

Plaza B

Friday Workshop $200


PDH Credits : 4

Seats Available: 30

“Introduction to Creating Civil Cells Part 2 (3D Model Detailing)”

“This course teaches tools and techniques that can be used to create a detailed 3D civil cell. This is part two of Introduction to Creating Civil
Cells (2D & 3D Geometry) and we will cover the 3D modeling related tools and processes to finish modeling the T-Intersection created in that
course. We will also show how to use points as civil cell references in this course by building a Turn Lane Civil Cell.”


Workshop Track 3

04:10PM - 05:00PM

Plaza B

Friday Workshop $50


PDH Credits : 3

Seats Available: 18

Drainage Plans, Profiles and Cross Sections *New*

In this course, you will learn how to create and annotate plan, profile and cross section sheets. You will learn how to create Named Boundaries that will be used to generate plan, profile and cross section sheets. You will also learn about drawing models and sheet models that are used during the sheet creation process. Lastly, you will learn how to add individual annotations to label specific location coordinates, station-offset values, elevations, and more.


Workshop Track 3

11:00AM - 01:50PM

Plaza C

Friday Workshop $100


PDH Credits : 2

Seats Available: 23

Creating and Managing Utilities *New*

In this course, you will learn how to create existing utilities from graphics and how to detect utility conflicts.


Workshop Track 3

09:00AM - 10:50AM

Plaza C

Friday Workshop $100


PDH Credits : 2

Seats Available: 20

“Creating and Managing Multiple Terrain Models *New*”

In this workshop, you will learn about terrain model feature types, managing existing terrain models using null terrains and complex terrains, clipping terrain models to speed up corridor processing, creating a terrain model using graphical filters, and creating merged terrain models.


Workshop Track 3

02:00PM - 04:00PM

Plaza C

Friday Workshop $100


PDH Credits : 2

Seats Available: 18

Quantities and Earthwork

In this course, you will learn various tools and methods to compute quantities and earthwork from the corridor model. You will learn how to assign unit costs and generate an estimated cost report for your project using the Component Quantities and Element Component Quantities tools. We will take a look at how to generate cut and fill volume reports from single corridor models as well as multiple corridor models. You will also learn how Named Boundaries and the Quantities Report by Named Boundary tool can be used to separate quantities in the corridor model. And lastly, you will learn how to create an End Area Volume Report and Mass Haul Diagram.


Friday Nov 22, 2024 Lectures

Workshop Track 4

09:00AM - 09:50AM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

OpenRoads Survey – All things Terrains EnvisionCAD

Discuss Terrain Modeling Best practices for creating a design survey terrain deliverable Terrain Model Editing (Heavy Emphasis on the Terrain Editing Tools)


Workshop Track 4

10:00AM - 10:50AM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Earthwork, Grading, and working with Meshes

In this session, you will learn about earthwork enhancements, the power of mesh elements and workflows for calculating earthwork quantities


Workshop Track 4

11:00AM - 11:50AM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Using OpenRoads Designer to Identify and Manage Utility Clashes in Transportation Projects

“This presentation demonstrates what a 3D model-based workflow may look like for the average DOT using the 3D modeling and analysis workflows inside OpenRoads Designer Drainage and Utilities to help identify and manage utility conflicts on transportation projects. Below are the main topics covered throughout the presentation:

How to import drainage/utility data using ModelBuilder
How to create 3D drainage/utility model from CAD graphics or survey
How to use the utility conflict detection tool
How custom properties (UDX and/or Item Types) can be used to document and manage utility conflict status
How to leverage the default and custom utility properties for reporting and data retention purposes”


Workshop Track 4

01:00PM - 01:50PM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

OpenRoads – Item Type Fundamentals – Part 1

In this session you will learn about the fundamentals of using Item Types in OpenRoads Designer. Topics:
• Item Type Properties
• Pick Lists
• Custom Property Types
• Calculated Properties
• Expression Builder
• Lookup Expression


Workshop Track 4

02:00PM - 02:50PM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

OpenRoads – Item Type Fundamentals – Part 2

“In this session, we will focus on how to use Item Types with civil data and show how you can leverage Item Types for quantities and reporting.

• Item Types with Feature Definitions
• Single Source of Truth
• Propagation, Prioritization, and Conflict Resolution
• Annotation and Labeling
• Display Styles and Display Rules
• Items Browser
• Reports”


Workshop Track 4

03:10PM - 04:00PM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Modeling Retaining Walls and Side Slopes

“Learn how OpenRoads Designer enhances your ability to lay out and model retaining walls. During this session, we will demonstrate practical examples showing how to use intelligent end conditions to include retaining walls along your projects. You will learn about the powerful capabilities that allow you to model walls and side slopes while adhering to engineering requirements. You will also see how to extract useful data, such as profiles and quantities from the modeled walls and workflows to help you take advantage of modeling on your projects.

• Retaining Wall and Side Slope Templates
• Creating Retaining Wall Corridors and Alignments
• Displaying Critical Retaining Wall Features in Profile
• Creating Retaining Wall Plan and Profile Sheets
• Cut and Fill Wall Modeling Techniques
• Abutment Wall Modeling Techniques”


Workshop Track 4

04:10PM - 05:00PM

Plaza G

Friday Lecture

PDH Credits : 1

Seats Available: Open Seating

Working Together: OpenRoads Designer, ProjectWise and iTwin Integration.

In this session, we are going to take a look at a sample highway project that several Bentley colleagues have been developing. We are going to discuss how ProjectWise, OpenRoads Designer, OpenBridge Designer and iTwin technology can be integrated together.
