Iaetp Support Partner Packages
The Illinois Association of Engineering Technology Professionals’ Training Forum offers a wide variety of IAETP Participation Support Packages for any company wishing to promote their goods and services at the Forum. The Support Package fees help IAETP provide the best training event possible. During the event, IAETP encourages Support Partner/Attendee interaction with IAETP sponsored drawings and several other incentives, including an evening social. Feel free to contact Tim Koeppen (chair@iaetp.org) if you have any questions or would like to discuss previous Support Partner success stories.
All Support Packages Include:
- Full 3-Day Registration and Meals for your company representatives/speakers.
- Recognition on the IAETP Website and On-Site Event Media Company Profile PowerPoint slide show
- Recognition and Participation in Give-a-ways, Door Prizes & Raffles & Evening Social.
- Display Table, Electrical and WiFi.
Support Partner Booth Set Up/Breakdown:
- Set up – Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024. AFTER 4pm.
- Breakdown – Friday, April 5th, 2024. AFTER 5:00pm.
- Booth size – approximately 8’ x 8’. Recommended to use smaller pop-up booths if possible.
- You are responsible for manning your booth and equipment.
Note: Every effort is taken to secure conference rooms during lunch and after sessions, however, IAETP, its’ Officers, hotel, and hotel staff are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen equipment.